Products 49-96 of 132
Death Valley Red FIRM
Availability: In Stock
Laguna Item #: WC-835 FIRM -

    Availability: In Stock
    Aardvark Item #: AA-DIX -

      The Coarsest � The Finest. This is the ultimate sculpture body for cone 5. Rich rust brown in oxidation.

      Dover White
      Availability: In Stock
      Laguna Item #: WC-877 -

        This Cone 5 white stoneware body is excellent for medium pieces as well as dinnerware. The addition of fine sand gives a great deal of strength to this plastic body. Fires off-white in oxidation and gray in reduction.

        Dragon Fruit
        Availability: In Stock
        IMCO Item #: IM-DRA -

          Dragon Fruit Extreme Blue
          Availability: Out of Stock
          IMCO Item #: IM-DFEB -

            Dragon Fruit Light
            Availability: In Stock
            IMCO Item #: IM-DFL -

              Electric Brown
              Availability: In Stock
              Laguna Item #: WC-866 -

                This clay was designed specifically to achieve a rich brown color when fired in an electric kiln. It has good strength for both wheel throwing and handbuilding. Contains 60 mesh sand so the texture is slightly coarse. We do not recommend that Electric Brown be fired in reduction.

                English Porcelain
                Availability: In Stock
                Laguna Item #: WC-415 -

                  A grolleg porcelain body with excellent throwing properties. Very translucent with minimal warpage.

                  English Porcelain RAM PRESSING
                  Availability: Out of Stock
                  Laguna Item #: WC-415RAM -

                    A grolleg porcelain body with excellent throwing properties. Very translucent with minimal warpage.

                    Fat Red
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Aardvark Item #: AA-Fat -

                      A rich brown, smooth throwing body.

                      Frost 6 Porcelain
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Laguna Item #: WC-437 -

                        An exceptionally white and translucent throwing porcelain for Cone 5-6.

                        Availability: In Stock
                        IMCO Item #: AA-GA -

                          Availability: In Stock
                          Clay Planet Item #: GLACIA -

                            A unique porcelain throwing body with translucency comparable to much more expensive bodies that use imported Grolleg. Through the use of several domestic kaolins, this porcelain not only exhibits great whiteness and translucency, it also has plasticity and throwability rarely found in a porcelain body without the undesirably high shrinkage. Great Price for a high quality porcelain. Glacia is very popular clay with professionals. ...

                            Availability: In Stock
                            Laguna Item #: WC885 -

                              Granite RAM
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Laguna Item #: WC885RAM -

                                Grogzilla Sculpture
                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                Clay Planet Item #: Gzilla -

                                  GROGZILLA is an extremely heavy duty buff sculpture body with hellmer kaolin, 4 types of grog, heavy sand, and feldspar inclusions make this the most textural and interesting clay body for large scale sculpture available for potters today. Best suited for cone 10 and beyond. Exceptionally well suited for wood firing, soda firing, salt firing! Can be wheel throw if you have experience in extremely groggy clay. ...

                                  Half & Half 10
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Laguna Item #: WC-382 -

                                    This white stoneware body is a good choice for small to medium work. It has exceptional strength and plasticity. Danish White fires off-white in oxidation and grayish in reduction. It has a smooth texture.

                                    Half & Half 5
                                    Availability: In Stock
                                    Laguna Item #: WC-402 -

                                      The Cone 5 answer to Laguna's well-liked Cone 10 Half & Half. By combining equal amounts of white stoneware and porcelain, Half and Half is a very throwable white body that is off-white in oxidation and a light gray/white in reduction.

                                      Hawaiian Red 2
                                      Availability: In Stock
                                      Laguna Item #: WC-365 -

                                        A red, slightly coarse clay with excellent working properties for wheel throwing and handbuilding. It is talc-free and contains sand, making it suitable for medium sized forms. Cone 5 oxidation produces red/brown and reduction color is dark red/brown.

                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Laguna Item #: WC-427 -

                                          One of our customers came up with this blend which combines the best qualities of California and Missouri fireclays. Excellent throwing stoneware. A very plastic body which is orange-brown with slight speckling in reduction.

                                          Icelia Porcelain
                                          Availability: In Stock
                                          Clay Planet Item #: ICELIA -

                                            A true Cone 6 domestic porcelain of superior quality. Fires bright white and throws better than any mid fire porcelain we know of. Pounding this clay or wedging it prior to throwing definitely brings out its softness and higher plasticity

                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Aardvark Item #: AA-KENJI -

                                              Another old standard. Ken�s original porcelain formula.

                                              L.B. 6
                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              Laguna Item #: WC-393 -

                                                A Long Beach type body with 60 mesh sand and color provided by manganese dioxide. Fires gray/brown when reduced and light gray when oxidized.

                                                L.B. Blend
                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                Laguna Item #: WC-376 -

                                                  One of our most popular clays, Long Beach Blend is an excellent, very fluid throwing clay which is also extremely popular for throwing open forms�small to large. It is brownish-pink in its raw form, light brown reduced and buff in oxidation. The formula includes iron and 60 mesh sand.

                                                  Laguna Flameware
                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                  Laguna Item #: WC440 -

                                                    Laguna Sculpture
                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                    Laguna Item #: LC 4 -

                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      Aardvark Item #: AA-LBM -

                                                        Same as Long Beach clay, minus the iron colorant. Fires buff to off-white.

                                                        Long Beach Blend
                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                        Aardvark Item #: AA-LONG -

                                                          Beautiful warm brown clay with medium texture. A long time favorite.

                                                          Low Fire White
                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Clay Planet Item #: LFW -

                                                            A superior pure white low fire earthenware clay for school and professionals alike. Plastic enough for wheel throwing; also fine for hand building. Very popular for children's handprints, school projects. A very smooth, easy to work clay.It may be fired to Cone 1 for even greater strength. When fired to cone 1-2 it has a ring and vitrosity similar to a Cone 10 stoneware body.

                                                            Miller 550
                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                            Laguna Item #: WC-631 -

                                                              Made primarily of English Grolleg. Contains plasticizers to make this the finest translucent porcelain available for throwing, thin slab work and hand building. Excellent white color. Has become the standard in the Northeast U.S.

                                                              Moroccan Sand
                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                              Laguna Item #: WC-400 -

                                                                A long time favorite casting slip, Moroccan Sand is now available in a similar Cone 5 pugged body. Light beige fired in oxidation, the body is quite vitreous, ideal for throwing functional ware, and is complimented by a full palette of Laguna lead free glazes.

                                                                Morrocan Sand Cone 5
                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                Laguna Item #: CN304 -

                                                                  Nara 10
                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                  Aardvark Item #: AA-Nar -

                                                                    Superior porcelain body. Has many of the attributes of an English grolleg body while avoiding the expense of imported clays.

                                                                    Nara 5
                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                    Aardvark Item #: AA-NARA5 -

                                                                      Aardvarks best cone 5 porcelain. Very white with great throwing qualities.

                                                                      Obsidian (Cassius Basaltic)
                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                      Aardvark Item #: AA-CAS -

                                                                        Very Black, Ebony like finish. Satin smooth-striking in appearance. Super slow bisque fire is needed to eliminate bloating at cone 5 and 6 Rate, Temp, Hold 60, 180, Until completely dry. 200, 600, 0 240, 1300, 0 60, 1650, 0 360, 1850, 0 108, 1922, 0

                                                                        Orion Stout
                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                        Clay Planet Item #: ORION -

                                                                          A light colored (off white at low fire, and a warm yellow tan at cone 10), and strong clay body. It contains 25 percent fine to medium grog and sand (almost twice normal stoneware) - enough for extra strength yet fine enough for throwing. This clay is excellent for throwing large pieces as well as for sculpture, raku and other situations demanding extra strength. It's lighter stoneware color and amazing handling makes it an ideal school ...

                                                                          Paper Clay - Ivory
                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                          IMCO Item #: IMPAP -

                                                                            Ivory is IMCO's sculpture clay body with paper fiber added to produce a light weight clay with incredible green strength. Ivory P�Clay allows the sculptor to attach dry to dry, wet to dry, and even wet to bisque. In some instances, the green strength of the piece is so high, it does not need to be fired. Ivory P�Clay fires to a cream color in oxidation and a tan color in reduction. Recommended for sculpting and hand building. ...

                                                                            Pearl Cone 5
                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                            Laguna Item #: CN-4110 -

                                                                              Porcelain Five
                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                              Laguna Item #: WC-395 -

                                                                                Smooth, very good throwing, vitreous Cone 3 to 5 porcelain. Excellent results with gas or electric firing. Gray to off-white in oxidation.

                                                                                Red Calico
                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                Laguna Item #: WC-881 -

                                                                                  The clay body is a rich red version of our Calico clay. Fires brick red in oxidation and red/brown in reduction.

                                                                                  Red Velvet 35 (Navajo Wheel)
                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                  IMCO Item #: IMNAV35 -

                                                                                    Navajo Wheel 412 is an outstanding throwing body, especially formulated for the studio potter as well as the production potter. Navajo Wheel 412 contains a 35 mesh grog that lends good structural strength enabling the potter to throw tall forms and still retain smoothness while throwing. A rich red tile color at cone 5 or 6 and a dark brown can be acquired with a moderate reduction at cone 5.

                                                                                    Red Velvet Cone 5/6 (Navajo Wheel)
                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                    IMCO Item #: IM-NAV-CLASS -

                                                                                      This is a fluxed up version of our Navajo Wheel Clay making it vitreous at mid range temperatures. Fires slightly darker than Navajo Wheel regular but has the same great throwing characteristics.

                                                                                      Red Velvet Regular Cone 8 (Navajo Wheel)
                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                      IMCO Item #: IMNAV -

                                                                                        Navajo Wheel is a blend of IMCO clays selected to produce a smooth textured plastic red clay. Navajo Wheel is an excellent wheel and hand building clay where a deep red tile color is desired. An excellent clay for school. This clay is made of local clays, having traveled an average of 35 miles from pit to our pug mill. This clay was originally designed as a cone 6 body but as the clay has changed in the pits Navajo Wheel now vitrifies at cone 8 (this change occurred around 2015)

                                                                                        Refractory Clay
                                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                                        Laguna Item #: WC-895 -

                                                                                          Low expansion, semi-coarse high temperature body for refractory use. Best refractory quality when fired at Cone 13.

                                                                                          Rods Bod
                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                          Aardvark Item #: AA-Rod -

                                                                                            A light to medium tan clay with distinctive speckling.

                                                                                            Rods Bod
                                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                                            Laguna Item #: WC-823 -

                                                                                              Gray in the raw form with a medium sand texture. A popular body for general purpose use. Large and thick-walled pieces are prone to cracking. In light to medium reduction, Rod's Bod fires to a warm brown with iron specks which generally bleed into glazes forming brown specks.

                                                                                              San Jose White
                                                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                                                              Clay Planet Item #: SJW -

                                                                                                A similar formulation to Low Fire White but with grog and sand added to produce a stronger, true white earthenware clay body. May be fired to Cone 1 for even greater strength.

                                                                                                Santa Cruz White
                                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                                Clay Planet Item #: SANTA -

                                                                                                  A unique smooth white clay blend high in plastic ball clays. It is a smooth, very plastic, porcelain-type body successfully used for both small and medium-large functional wheel thrown ware.